Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Camera!

Hello Tadpoles!

Today I bought myself a new camera so I can glaze all of your eyes over in HD!

I have been happily snapping away at: Schmeicel, my mantelpiece and artistic groupings of lint. This is in an effort to get to know my new Canon SD780 ELPH ... I think you'll appreciate the results!

Firstly: What screams Happy New Year to all my blog friends? I'll tell you what!

FOOT FINGERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing says out with the old and in with the new like some cotton/spandex blend separated toes! These things are the grilled cheese of footwear... C-O-M-F-O-R-T

Secondly: I thought you all might want to know what houses this precious little idiot savant!

This does! My little cottage in the city! Complete with fireplace in which to cook gingerbread and children!

And third(ly?): What does my fridge look like before the transformation (we're at T minus 5 til Jan 5th- start day)?

Not horribly UNhealthy... but not what Gillian McKeith would approve of either! Please note the 90$ dollar bottle of Perrier Joulet Champies in the wine section! Dont' worry, as much as I love the stuff, this girl is NOT paying that much for the bubbles. I won this at work in a wine auction.. fiddle dee dee!

I posted this shot so I can post the AFTER pic and you guys can see the changes. Besides removing the petrie born sea monkey colony from the fridge and the frozen rats (RIP Bellasinead) from the freezer- the changes will be reflected in many ways!

  • No more meats/ meat products
  • Greater variety in fruits and vegetables (I'm Captain Obvious, nice to meet you)
  • Less cheese based foods (Even vegetarians can be chubby mucous slugs)
  • More juices (Not just the grape kind- I have a fab juicer and LURVE ((pervy love)) fresh veg juice)
  • More tupperware/glass containers (Since I started cooking I appreciate the economics and quality in making my own soup, juice, sauce, salad mixes.... etc.)
  • Prepared fruits/veg/meals (We all know that convenience is king, if i take the time to prep the foods I'll need >>> the assembly time is no issue >>> eating what I've planned is easier >>> control over what goes in this potty mouth!

Are you looking forward to the new fridge look? Good... can you come over and help me clean it out? I kid... sorta. On the running front- I wore sneakers out to Future Shop. End of update.

I took some pics at dinner(breakfast) with my friend La, but for whatever reason- they are not saved. This is a shame, because it was Chicken Parmesan w/ Fettucine Alfredo. I thought by posting this and documenting the cholesterol fest... I would feel ashamed and have a really healthy lunch(midnight snack). Well, I do have a healthy lunch, but I don't feel ashamed. I feel proud... proud that I am SO generous to myself. (Yeah, I'm gagging too... )

Pics to be posted of tonights food tomorrow... no exercise AT ALL, as I'm on a quick turn: finishing work at 0700 and then back in at 1500 for a double!

... and that's 2 shifts of potluck people!

What are you guys having for special New Year's Eve treats?



Sunday, December 27, 2009

And So it Begins...

Let's just jump right in to the deep end. I might as well announce my goals for this bloggy blog off the top! This, to my mind, will serve three purposes: I will remember them, I will be accountable for them, my mother will know about them (and lovingly prod me towards them).

I will be doing the Toronto Waterfront Marathon on September 26, 2010. This is my priority, my main focus- because it seems SO hard! Not much more to say about that. It will be my first. I am semi-working out now- but it's been lacklustre. Training to 5k, then 10k increments will of course help... but this is one Big Mutha of a goal for me. Cross all available body parts for me please.

Along the way, however, I have a few less intimidating goals for myself as well.

I have been dabbling in vegetarianism for the past few months, with decent success. I felt better, looked better and spent less on groceries. I'm going to make this a more permanent conversion now. I still will consider myself a flexitarian- nothing should be totally off limits (except maybe PCP)- but I'm going to try to be mostly chaste to the veggie gods. Part of this particular part of my little adventure is going to require me learning to cook. I've been so inspired by the blogs I've been trolling these past few months, I've ventured forth into the kitchen with brazen aplomb. Some complete failures of course... but some fantastically successful meals as well! Cooking for one can be difficult sometimes (my roommate is a cat- no THE cat, Schmeicel), so I've coerced my darling friends (Red, La, Suz) , parents (Kiki and Pudd'n) and dear Auntie (Joey) into taste testing my concoctions. They are supportive and polite. Not always in that order. I'll be posting recipes (with links to sources) as well as results and pics of said masterpieces.

I am interested in starting a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) garden in my hometown. My recent interests in food, its origins and in whole eating have brandished me with information that I found truly startling about food costing/subsidized food availability/ low income obesity and poverty related malnutrition. I have MUCH work to do to get going, the idea is not even embryonic at this stage- but tonnes of ideas, lots of support and the time to do the legwork!

I'm sure there were a few more goals I set for myself when I started filling out the blog forms... speak conversational Japanese, save 30K by December, teach my cat to run a bath, meet and marry Ed Burns... This is why I think it's helpful to write them down. I've got a tinge of the old goldfish brain.

It must be said that during this petit-voyage, there will be various random blogs on my very random life. Movie reviews, people reviews, observations and the accountings of the things that could and do only happen to me.

There will also be quite a few glasses of champagne along the way, that's how I roll.

Please support, comment, correct, chastise, submit and embrace this blog! I'm relying on you to help me keep going!
